Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mia Hamm


Mia Hamm
Mia Hamm was born on March 17, 1972, in Selma, Alabama. She was considered the best female soccer player in history. Mia Hamm played with the United States women's national soccer team for 17 years. She built one of the biggest fan bases of any American athlete. She was named FIFA's "World Player of the Year" in both 2001 and 2002. In 1991 when Mia Hamm was just 19 years old she was the youngest team member in history to win the World cup.


  1. Excellent work Er!!! Those fun facts that were mentioned about Mia Hamm, my favorite soccer play were very interesting. It was a suprise to me how talented she was at a young age.

  2. I had no idea that she was named " World player of the year"! That is a big accomplishment! Based on your blog i can infer that she is both a good sport and a dedicated athlete.

  3. Great Job! I have never heard of Mia before, and I learned a lot of stuff about her. She was very talented at such a young age! Soccer is one of my favorite sports so I was excited to read about her.

  4. It is amazing to see how women can make a big mark in sports!

  5. Great Job! I am so glad that a person like Mia can represent our country in an athletic type of way!
